“We must become the change we want to see.”

—Mahatma Gandhi

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“The Innovation Center® has made it their business to help organizations foster cultures that promote innovation.”
Idaho Small Business Development Center, Boise, Idaho


Online Market Research: Cost-Effective Searching of the Internet and Online Databases
by John F. Lescher

Online Market Research: Cost-Effective Searching of the Internet and Online Databases

Out there on the Internet is a wealth of information about your target customers--information that will let you focus on your market and your business more profitably. Online Market Research is a valuable collection of this data, and you couldn't find anyone better qualified than John Lescher to teach you the tricks of the trade. Don't worry if either the Internet or Market Research is a foreign realm to you. John Lescher does a beautiful job of making both easy to comprehend, with step-by-step examples that show you precisely how to work though the research process.

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