“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.”

—Henry Ford

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About: “Free Radicals of Innovation DVD”

“Free Radicals has been developed by people who know their stuff and have taught it many times.”
—Training Media Review

Anyone can learn to innovate.  Free Radicals shows you how.

Free Radicals of Innovation


You’ll learn how to use creativity and innovation to accelerate solutions to human problems in organizations, families, and communities.

4 Stars

“You can’t teach innovative thinking, but you can increase the chances that it will take place in your organization. One way to do that— a very good way—is to invest in this product.” (read the full review)

—Training Media Review

Most appreciate innovation’s benefits, but few actively pursue it. Why? Innovation’s inherent risks induce a fear of failure that stifles creativity.

But in fact, danger and failure are the adrenalin and catalysts of innovation— spawning adventure, exploration, and fun! And laughter is often the sound of an innovation being born.

You’ll get comfortable with risk, and hedge against failure by preparing your mind using tools and techniques that you can put to use— right now, today.

Tech Nation radio interview
Hear Dr. Moira Gunn speak about the Free Radicals of Innovation with Bob Newhart, on her Tech Nation radio show. (MP3 FILE)

The nine included video programs cover concepts such as 6P Innovation® that can dramatically change the yield from your existing resources— creating greater value through the creation of game-changing new solutions.

Bob Newhart

Hosted by
Robert L. Newhart II
CEO of the Innovation Center, a non-profit think tank that helps organizations discover and launch their future.

Purchase Free Radicals of Innovation
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Read the Preview Guide (requires Acrobat)


Free Radicals of Innovation DVD
Bits & Pieces CD-ROM
• Leader’s Guide (40 Pages)
• Participant Workbook (36 Pages)
• Pocket Reminder Cards

1. Innovate or Die 4 minutes
Competing in the world economy on a low-cost basis is no longer a viable option. Innovation is the engine of a vibrant economy.
2. Understanding 6P Innovation® 8 minutes
Many think of innovation as a new product. Innovation can center around promotion, pricing, place, people, process— and product.
3. Overcoming Fear & Managing Risk 5 minutes
Most appreciate innovation’s importance, but few actively pursue it because the inherent risks induce a fear of failure, stifling creativity.
4. Preparing Your Mind 11 minutes
When you refuse to accept the obvious, you’ve taken your first step toward innovation.
5. Building an Innovation Toolbox 15 minutes
With the right gear, you can prepare your mind for great leaps of inspiration.
6. Inventing the Future 7 minutes
Success depends on the ability to continually think, rethink, and reinvent strategies, models, structures, systems, and relationships.
7. Creating a Culture of Innovation 9 minutes
Venture Capitalists view thousands of unsolicited proposals each year.  How many proposals do you see each year?
8. Collaborating; Leveraging Diversity 7 minutes
For innovators, what really matters is diversity of thought— different points of view.  None of us are as smart as all of us.
9. What’s Your Problem? 5 minutes

It’s two questions. One: what is the issue or problem you need to address? Two: what are you going to do about it?