“If the brain is a computer, then it is the only one that runs on glucose, generates 10 watts of electricity, and is manufactured by unskilled labor.”

—David Lewis

Our Store features many innovation tools.

Our Video Programs teach the proven techniques of intentional innovation.

Our Workshop Trainings help organizations weave innovation into their everyday activities and consistently inspire the best from everyone on their team.

Our Strategy Sessions are immersive, entertaining, no-holds-barred experiences that deliver surprising new solutions.

We Speak at Events conferences, trade shows, and other keynote gatherings.

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About: “Innovation Strategy”

“Bob has the unique ability to draw a diverse crowd of people together in an innovative and stimulating manner. His presentations use the latest insights in individual and organizational behavior to harness the wisdom of a team...”
—Dr. Knute Buehler, MD
Dr. Knute Buehler, MD, Bend, OREGON


Sync: How Order Emerges from Chaos in the Universe, Nature, and Daily Life
by Steven H. Strogatz

Sync: How Order Emerges from Chaos in the Universe, Nature, and Daily Life

he tendency to synchronize may be the most mysterious and pervasive drive in all of nature. It has intrigued some of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century, including Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, Norbert Wiener, Brian Josephson, and Arthur Winfree. At once elegant and riveting, Sync tells the story of the dawn of a new science. Steven Strogatz, a leading mathematician in the fields of chaos and complexity theory, explains how enormous systems can synchronize themselves, from the electrons in a superconductor to the pacemaker cells in our hearts. He shows that although these phenomena might seem unrelated on the surface, at a deeper level there is a connection, forged by the unifying power of mathematics.

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